Belles and beaus, here is the latest installment of Wedding-Related Things I Adore on the Internet Lately. Enjoy!
1. “I’m So Married” – the “Fancy” Wedding Parody. Dying, y’all. Dying.
2. 5 Ways to Handle the Post-Wedding Blues: I hope this doesn’t happen to me, but if it does, I’m prepared! Too bad I’ve already done one of them pre-wedding…is there such a thing as Pre-Wedding Anticipatory Grief?
3. How to Write a Thank You Note for Every Wedding Gift Scenario: Be on the lookout for my own tips for thank you note writing, but in the meantime, I like this guide! The notes are shorter than I would write, but I like how they give examples for a bunch of different scenarios.
Belles and beaus, what are you loving lately on the Interwebs? Send me links!
xoxo Laura