Today’s Internet roundup is all about what happens after the wedding. After all, a marriage is what the wedding is all about in the first place! Here’s what I’m loving lately:
1. The Newlywed’s Guide to Navigating the Holidays. Yup. This has been a challenge for me and Wes, simply because we love all of our family so much and wish we could be in 10 different places at once!
2. Tips for Navigating the Holidays and In-Laws. Because this topic is important enough to read two different takes on it!
3. Yours, Mine, Ours: Deciding Which Married Name Option Works for Your Relationship. Go ahead and talk about it NOW so you aren’t sitting around three months after your wedding still unsure about what the heck your name is…not pointing any fingers or anything…
4. 5 Wedding Thank You Note Tips. I’ve already shared my own thank you note tips, but I think these are worth a read, too! (Except don’t overthink tip #5…just go to TJ Maxx, buy some cute cards on sale, and call it a day).
Belles, what are you loving lately on the Internet? Share with me!
xoxo Laura