Y’all, I discovered an incredible phone app a few weeks ago and am dying to share. If you’re the praying type (regardless of specific religious beliefs), this post is for you.
I first learned about the Echo app when I was reading about Lara Casey’s favorite ways to simplify. After clicking through to the Echo website, I realized this app was made just for me. I want to pray, but I struggle to find the time. Someone will ask me to pray for them, but I’ll forget to write it down (slash don’t even know where to write it down), and then when I actually am praying, I forget who/what I’m supposed to be praying for.
Echo solved all of these problems for me. I always have my phone with me, so when I think of something I need to pray about or I get a prayer request, I can go ahead and type it in on the app. Voila! A handy dandy list of prayers. You can also set up the app to remind you to pray. No more forgetting or not having time! I have reminders come to my email every morning before I wake up, so that way when I pull up my inbox for my morning Bible study, I have the reminder right in front of me. I just have the app email one random prayer request from my list each day, because that feels less overwhelming than going through the entire list. There are lots of ways to customize it, though, so if you’d rather get push notifications on your phone or pray through your entire list at once, there are options!
What do you think, belles? Helpful tool? Any other helpful prayer tools you use?
xoxo Laura
P.S. – this is not a sponsored post…I just adore this app and wanted to share in case it helps someone else!