Hooray, it’s Small Joys day! All the praise hands! Here are the little things that have been giving me joy lately:
1. My Antigua Slate Capris from Albion Fit. They are so adorable, they almost make me want to work out. Almost.
2. Crazy Rich Asians. I read the book for book club this month, and I thought it was just okay. But I loved the movie!! Awkwafina’s character = someone who I want to be my friend in real life. And apparently Henry Goulding, who plays Nick, = my hubby’s man crush. This is also the first major film in 25 years to cast Asian individuals in leading roles, which is a really big deal! Go support diversity on the big screen with your dolla dolla bills!
3. Laughter. I can sometimes trend toward being a serious person, so I always love when I’m around people who make me laugh. Like, real laughing. The kind where you cry and your abs hurt and you are left gasping. I recently spent a weekend in the mountains with my mom, aunts, and cousins, and I laughed my little tush off. Life-giving!
4. Chapel Hill. I went to Chapel Hill twice recently, and it was such a treat. Chapel Hill has a nostalgic, this-is-home type of feeling like no other place I’ve ever lived. I feel like I blossomed into my truest self while I lived there. Not all of my memories there are necessarily happy ones, but it’s a place where I overcame insecurities, grew as a person, and ultimately thrived. It will always hold such a special place in my heart!
5. Birthday surprises! Hubby just turned 30, and I snuck into his office and glitter bombed it. So fun.
6. Figuring out how to curl my hair. Y’all, I am really not great at doing my hair. And my hair isn’t “easy” hair – I’m not one of those people who lets my hair air dry and it’s naturally shiny and smooth and looks perfect no matter the weather. My hair is very frizzy, half of it is curly and half is straight, and if the humidity is above 60% I can pretty much forget about having a good hair day. BUT. I have figured out a secret to good hair. I have never been able to use a curling iron well until now. The trick is that you put your hair into a high ponytail, then curl sections while in the ponytail. You can actually reach it and see it this way, which makes a huge difference. Spray the curls with hairspray, then let them cool. Once they’re cool, take out the ponytail and shake the curl out a bit. And….voila! Beautiful, loose, wavy curls! The style is naturally a bit messy, which I’ve found is great in the humidity, since you don’t notice as much when it frizzes.
7. One last cupcake. When I was in graduate school, I worked at The Cupcake Bar in downtown Durham. Y’all. The absolute BEST cupcakes. The cake has the perfect crumb, and the frosting is so creamy. Alas, The Cupcake Bar closed a couple of weeks ago. But we actually got to go on their last day for one more cupcake, and luckily they had a wheat free option. So delicious. So many good memories.
8. Rufus has been sleeping on my side of the bed lately (usually he sleeps with Wes), and I have been loving the puppy snuggles. I am constantly amazed at how much I love this dog!
9. And finally…a NOT so small joy! Two of my dearest and bestest friends, including my one and only BABY SISTER, got engaged this past week!! Ahhh! Cue all the celebrations!
What’s been bringing you joy lately, friends?
Xoxo Laura
I love this post so much. Your hair looks amazing, I too am hair challenged when it comes to curling it. I can’t wait to see Crazy Rich Asians.
Thank you, Melissa! You are going to love the movie!
Loved this! <3
Thank you, friend! 🙂