Small Joys

Small Joys: Volume 16

Small Joys: Volume 16  |  Fairly Southern

All the little things bringing me joy lately:

1. Yoga. I purchased a trial membership at Colors of Yoga this month, and it has been the best thing. I don’t know how often I’ll be able to keep going as my schedule gets busier toward the end of spring/summer, but I hope I can continue to attend class somewhat regularly. I feel great when I’m doing yoga consistently, and I love the ethos behind this studio. I anticipate sharing more on the blog/Instagram in the future!

2. Bra recycling!! I know I’m not the only one who has been stumped before about what to do with a bra I no longer wear. Most secondhand shops don’t take bras, even if they’re in good condition. And, it stinks to have to just toss retired bras in the trash can! Thankfully, bra company Harper Wilde and t-shirt recycling company For Days have teamed up to offer a bra recycling program. Hallelujah! No more bras littering up landfills!

3. Girls weekends. Because I think it’s so important to have ladies who have your back in every season of life.

Girls Weekend  |  Fairly Southern

4. Hair cuts that don’t look like hair cuts. I HATE getting my hair cut. I love having long hair, and I hate seeing it get shorter. But, if I don’t get it cut regularly, I end up getting split ends so bad that I end up having to eventually cut far more off than I would have if I just trimmed it regularly. I’ve finally found my dream hair stylist. When Doris cuts my hair, my ends look fresh, but my hair doesn’t really look shorter. No one can tell I’ve had my hair cut. I love that!

5. My annual Valentine’s Day tradition.

Valentine's Day tradition with grandparents  |  Fairly Southern

6. Sleeping in. I have had several Saturdays recently when I have gotten to sleep in as late as I want. It has been so nice to not have an alarm set and to sleep until my body is ready to wake up. Wish I could do it every day.

7. J.Crew and Madewell’s fair trade and sustainable denim. Love love love. It is huge when major retailers jump on board the fair trade and sustainability train like this. I updated my ethical/sustainable jeans guide to include these!

8. JP’s Pastry‘s gluten-free pecan fudge brownies. Wes surprised me with one this week. TO DIE FOR. I think JP’s brownies are their best product.

What’s bringing you joy lately, friends?

xoxo Laura


  1. Discovered Halo ice cream not that long ago. It’s a “healthy” alternative for ice cream lovers like me. Has substantially less sugar than typical desserts with added protein to boot!

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