Ethical Fashion, Fair Trade & Ethically Made, Social Justice

Social Justice Sunday: Fast Fashion is a Feminist Issue

I blog a lot about ethical and fair trade fashion here at Fairly Southern! Today, I want to share an article that explains just one of the many reasons why ethical clothing is so important to me.

As a woman, I care a lot about other women. I want women to succeed, to be treated equally to men, to be valued by society. In short, I am a feminist. And I’m betting most of you reading this want all those same things, too.

Fast Fashion is a Feminist Issue via Good On You | Fairly Southern

Because 80% of garment workers are young women, issues involving the clothing industry disproportionately affect women. The negative effects of fast fashion are falling on our sisters’ shoulders.

Read this article from Good On You to learn more and find out how you can make a positive difference for other women when it comes to fashion!

xoxo Laura


  1. I totally agree with your stance on fast fashion!! I’ll admit that I’m guilty of buying the stuff but have been trying to buy better quality or second hand stuff lately. I love antique and consignment shop finds! What are your thoughts on diamond engagement rings? I recently blogged about alternatives to diamonds and was partly inspired by the ethical issues surrounding the industry.

    1. It’s hard to purchase ethically when the vast majority of easily accessible stores are full of nothing but fast fashion! But, I’m so excited to hear that you’ve been consciously choosing to purchase differently. That’s awesome!! I’m about to go check out your blog post now. I actually did a blog post myself on ethically made engagement rings last year! You can check it out here:

  2. Hear hear! The stat that 80% of garment workers are women was news to me, but then it makes sense based on how garment workers are always depicted or interviewed in the media. I always avoid fast fashion and try to buy ethical and fair-trade garments.

  3. I’d never realised the huge percentage of women garment workers! I often avoid directly supporting fast fashion by buying most of the clothing secondhand, but I would love to start actively supporting female-empowering businesses with my purchases!

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