This post is not sponsored. I received the products in this post as a gift from Superzero.
When shampoo bars started to really hit the market a couple of years ago, my initial reaction was skepticism. Could a shampoo bar actually work?
I couldn’t really imagine how a bar could easily distribute shampoo through my long, thick hair. Plus, it’s often easier to just stick with what you know. I’ve used liquid shampoo in a bottle my whole life, and I’ve never had any issues. So why change?
Turns out, there are actually a lot of great reasons to change, as I learned after finally giving shampoo bars a go! Below is a list of pros and cons of shampoo bars, as well as where you can find them!
I tried out Superzero‘s shampoo bar for normal/oily hair. Wes tried out their shampoo bar for men as well as the conditioner bar for normal/oily hair (I couldn’t test out the conditioner bar because I can only use gluten free products). (Superzero also gave me a discount code to share with y’all… enter code fairly15 at checkout for 15% off your first order.)
Shampoo Bar Pros
Eliminates single use plastic shampoo bottles.
Shampoo bars generally come in paper packaging, which is much better for the earth than plastic shampoo bottles. They are a great option for someone wanting to reduce their environmental footprint.
Easier to use than bottled shampoo.
I was surprised to find that shampoo bars are easier to use than bottled shampoo. I expected the bars to be cumbersome and difficult to use. But the bar starts lathering up immediately upon encountering moisture, and the shampoo actually spreads easier through my hair than liquid shampoo. And instead of having to pick up a bottle and squeeze out shampoo, you just grab your bar and go to town.
I am particular about what I put on my hair. I have an oily scalp, but my hair often has dry ends. I need a shampoo that will clean adequately without being too harsh. I also have a sensitive scalp and easily experience irritation. I was pleasantly surprised that the first shampoo bar I tried has worked out really well. I’ve experienced no irritation and have found that it cleans well without drying out my hair. I’m excited to find that bars can address my specific issues just as well as liquid shampoos can!
Cost Effective.
For me, the Superzero shampoo bar is turning out to be extremely cost effective. It costs less than half of what my normal shampoo costs (admittedly I was using a really expensive shampoo!), and the bar seems to be lasting longer than my bottle of shampoo normally would. Whether or not you will realize a cost savings by switching to a bar obviously depends on the cost of your liquid shampoo, the cost of the bar you end up selecting, and how quickly you use up the bar. But I think most people would realize a cost savings.
Shampoo Bar Cons
To be honest, I can really only think of one con:
Needs to be kept dry when not in use.
If you keep your bar somewhere in the shower where it will easily get wet, you will go through it much faster, as the shampoo will constantly be wearing away from streaming water. Wes also noted that his became a little squishy when it had gotten waterlogged, making it difficult to pick up. So, you just need to make sure you can keep it somewhere in the shower where there isn’t water streaming down on it. Depending on the layout of your shower, this could be tricky.
Where Can I Buy a Shampoo Bar?
Of course, you can buy shampoo bars from Superzero! They have given me a discount code to share with y’all. Enter code fairly15 at checkout for 15% off your first order.
You can also check out options from The Detox Market, Petit Vour, and Amazon.
If you’re more of an in-person shopper, I have noticed shampoo bars for sale at Whole Foods. You might also be able to find them at your local clean beauty or natural health store.
Do Shampoo Bars Actually Work?
So, circling back to the original question: Do shampoo bars actually work? Yes! And I highly recommend giving them a go!
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xoxo Laura
P.S. – This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you purchase a product using a link from this post. Read more here about my disclaimers/disclosures.
Nicely written! I love this – I don’t use shampoo but love conditioner bars!