Every single week for the last two years, I have published a blog post on Fairly Southern. Every Sunday. Until a week ago.
I’ve been on a much needed (socially distanced) vacation and was bummed that I’d have to spend my Sunday afternoon inside writing instead of enjoying the sun and sand. I just hadn’t had time to prep the post before leaving town.
Then, I remembered that I’m an adult and the boss of me. I remembered that I’m also the boss of my own blog. So I shut down my computer and hit the beach. I skipped my post last week and this week too, and I feel like a physical weight has dropped from my shoulders.
Putting myself on a strict weekly writing schedule was a really good thing for a while. I had so many posts I wanted to write that I hadn’t previously made time for. I knew I needed to start being more consistent. So I made the weekly commitment to myself, and I have a lot to show for it.
But lately, there have been too many Sundays when I am mega stressed about finishing (or heck, just starting) my weekly post. And it’s such a relief to finally throw in that towel and say that that’s not going to work for me anymore.
Don’t worry, Fairly Southern isn’t going anywhere. I don’t know what my new schedule is going to look like or if I’ll even have a schedule! But I wanted y’all to know why you haven’t had an email in your inbox the last two weeks. Everything is okay…in fact, things are great!
I’m excited to see where Fairly Southern continues to take me/us. If you have feedback, suggestions, or ideas of what you’d like to see, let me know. Fairly Southern is a little bit for me, but mostly it’s for you.
xoxo Laura