Small Joys

Small Joys: Volume 14

Small Joys: Volume 14

All of the little things bringing me joy lately:

1. N.C. State University. It’s not like I’ve ever hated N.C. State, but I’ve never actively liked it, either. I grew up in a split UNC/Duke household and officially began to bleed Carolina blue after attending UNC myself (twice!). But y’all, N.C. State has really earned my respect lately. I made two trips to the vet school recently: once at midnight with my dog, and then again after a turtle was hit by a car right next to my house. The all-volunteer N.C. State Turtle Rescue team has been nothing short of amazing and impressive. I also went to an N.C. State football game recently with my in-laws, and in addition to enjoying the high energy tailgate culture, I was impressed with the environmental measures in which the university has invested. Volunteers came to each parking spot with special bags for us to use for our recycling, then came back after the game to pick up the bags. There were also compost bins in the bathrooms for paper towels! I see you, NCSU.

NC State Football Game | Fairly Southern

2. Heart Opening Yoga by Yoga with Jacq. This is my new favorite at-home yoga video. It’s only 20 minutes and is focused on hunch reversing, but the flow also stretches tight hamstrings. These are the two things I need the most!

3. And related to yoga: This meditation video that a family member (who will not be publicly named) played for everyone on a recent ladies’ trip to the mountains. I am crying, y’all. Crying.

4. Puppies. Some friends of mine recently fostered two puppies, and they were the best therapy ever for my soul. I just can’t with how much I love dogs.

Coonhound Puppies | Fairly Southern

5. Halloween! I love pretty much any holiday, but especially Halloween because it involves three of my favorite things: 1) festive decor, 2) festive outfits, and 3) CANDY. We had around 400-500 trick-or-treaters, and it was so much fun. Unicorns were by far the most frequently chosen costumes!

Halloween Witch Costume | Fairly Southern

6. My space heater. Believe it or not, this is my space heater’s SECOND shoutout on Small Joys (first one is here). We lost heat for a week and half this past month, and this thing was a lifesaver. Thankfully we aren’t yet in the dead of winter, but our house still got quite cold many nights. This little baby kept our bedroom nice and toasty! My gratitude for electricity and heat has been refreshed, and I have been more mindful of those who don’t have access to these things.

Konwin Small Room Space Heater | Fairly Southern

7. The UNC Clef Hangers. I started fangirling over the Clef Hangers when I was still in high school and found out I had been accepted at Carolina. The obsession is still going strong. I went to their fall concert last weekend with one of my besties and simply drooled over their beautiful voices. I am starting to get to the age where my adoration is creepy but I #cantstopwontstop.

UNC Clef Hangers 2018 Fall Concert | Fairly Southern

What’s giving you joy lately, friends? Drop a note in the comments and let’s celebrate gratitude together!

xoxo Laura


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